Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Process of how I like to write

What I do is basic, and simple. I start out with a blank page in word and just start thinking of what my topic is and what are some things I want to add to it and write them down. They don't have to be long some are just a couple words. All random and not in any order just bulleted points that I"m going to want to hit on in my report.

Next I will create an outline style of topics. This is where all the ideas that I just wrote down gets put in the right order to how it will get set up in the report. usually when doing this I think up some more ideas that will fit in and I put them in there places where they will fall in with the report.

The last step is to write it. I just follow the outline that I had set up and again usually doing this I keep thinking of more things that would make it better and just add them in when I'm writing. Then proof read a couple of times.

I know its not the most technical way of doing things but it helps me think things through.


Jason Williams said...

My process for writing is probably even simpler than yours, Seth. I sometimes do write down simple information under all of the separate sections that I want to include in the document.

Normally, I have already thought of what order I want to present information in. There have been very few times that I have deviated from this order.

In any case, nice post, Seth!

Anonymous said...


Sometimes simple is good. There are times where over-thinking can add complexity to the task at hand.

Remember the philosophy behind Kaizen - continuous improvement. I used to shoot directly for the finish line with my work, but now I learn to take smaller bites and build upon that.

Also, process is unique to an extent. You know the saying "Different strokes for different folks"? Well, in relation to process, the process of one may not suit the style of another. Take the time to soak in the views of others, its a good way toward innovation.

Keep up the good work bud
