Monday, November 26, 2007

Week 3

Who is my audience?
What topic am I writing on?
What effects do I want to have on my audience? [One way to think of this questions is as a series of sub-questions: 1) What do I want my audience thinking, believing, feeling or doing after reading my text?, or 2) What is my purpose(s) in writing this text?, or 3) Do I want to instruct, persuade, inform, entertain or some combination of all four?]
What genre am I writing in? [Genre answers questions about length, format, topics, how to use evidence. More on this later.]
What can I say? [You can answer this last with a list, a free write, a mind map, or an outline. Again, more on these techniques later.]
How do I organize what I say? [This question gets to specific tactics of organization, like, chronological, less to most important, comparison and contrast, functional vs. formal definition, etc.]

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